Saturday, 29 August 2009

Ramadan & Daging Balado

Sudah satu minggu ramadan kita lewati.., ada banyak perubahan ritme aktivitas yang berubah dari kebiasaan sehari-hari.., dengan menjalankan ibadah puasa ini terasa sekali membuat kedisiplinan dlm segala hal termasuk dalam urusan makan.

Untuk menu yg aku pilih dlm menjalankan ramadan ini adalah yg simpel dan disajikan segera, misalnya sayur tumis, kuah bening, soto, dll, tetapi ada juga yg bisa dimasak sebelumnya dan bisa disimpan untuk bbrp kali makan contohnya daging balado, ikan presto, dll, mengingat kami hanya kel kecil dan yg berpuasa cuma berdua suami,setiap kali dlm sajian menu hanya ada 2 macam masakan, kalo lebih dr itu pasti nya akan terbuang alias tidak tersentuh...:)

Favorite suamiku sebenarnya adalah Daging Balado, tp akhir2 ini dia mesti mengurangi mengkonsumsi daging, jadi hanya sesekali saja menu daging mampir dimeja makan.., tp kl aku yg kepingin akhirnya akan ada bbrp macam masakan krn saat itu dipastikan kami beda selera hehehe.....

Resep Daging Balado ku ini sangat simple sekali tetapi suami sangat doyan, ini dia resepnya :


Daging Balado
( Resep ala small-kitchen )

Bahan :
1/2 kg daging has dlm diiris tipis2
air jeruk lemon
cabe merah besar 8-10 buah
bawang merah 12 buah
garam secukupnya
beef stock secukupnya
3 bh daun jeruk
gula ( bila ingin )
minyak untuk menggoreng

Cara membuat :
1. Cuci bersih daging, lalu beri garam dan air lemon, diaduk dan diremas-remas
2. Tata daging diatas nampan datar untuk memanggang
3. Panggang didlm oven sampai keluar banyak air, dan rada kering lalu angkat
4. bawang merah dan cabe ditumbuk kasar
5. Goreng daging sampai garing, kemudian angkat
6. Tumis bawang dan cabe, hingga layu, tambahkan garam, beef stock,daun jeruk, gula bila ingin
7. Masukkan daging yg sudah digoreng tadi, aduk2 diamkan bbrp saat lalu angkat
8. Siap disajikan, atau disimpan dlm wadah.., suatu saat ingin dimakan bisa dihangatkan kembali.


Gimana mudah banget kan..??? Yang namanya masakan padang itu kuncinya pasti banyak memakai bawang merah...

Berbicara mengenai bawang-bawangan photo dibawah ini adalah photo bawang yg juga aku sertakan dlm Click Event bulan ini yg bertema Allium.


Mau tahu lebih jauh tentang Click Photo Event..???

Please check this LINK
Happy Fasting and Ramadan Kareem for Everyone.......!!

Thursday, 6 August 2009

SLF Special Edition "The Beauty of Red and White Event "

SLF Special Edition "The Beauty of Red and White"

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The month of August has always been the special month for Indonesia because in this month the Indonesian regained their independence from the colonists, partly due to the brave citizens of Indonesia who fought the wars aggressively and with perseverance.

To commemorate the Indonesian independence this year, Still Life Food (SLF) Photography club is proposing an event of still life and still life food photography with the theme “The Beauty of Red and White”.

This event is going to be held on August 3 until August 24, 2009, in which the event is open to all member and non-member of SLF, citizen and non-citizen of Indonesia.

The criteria of participating in this event is as follow:

1. Photo submitted must have the theme “The Beauty of Red and White” with the object of the photo must be related to culinary point of view, either it be food or non-food related objects.

2. Send your entry to this email: with the following details:

Your name:
Your blog's name:
Your location:
The URL of the post containing the photograph :
Attach one of your best pictures in JPG format, 500pxls in width

Photos that are submitted will be judged by a team of juries who have expertise in photography in general and food photography in particular. Here they are:

1. Prio Adhi Setiawan of "Priotography"
2. Leemei Tan of "My Cooking Hut"
3. Peter G of "Souvlaki for the soul"
4. Thorsten Kraska of "My2Penn’orth"
5. Oezank Setia Nugraha of "Oezank Photography"

Concept: The judges are looking for a photo that can convey the theme visually and uniquely that can captivates and inspires the audiences right away. Any clever or fresh idea to represent the red and white in the composition is greatly sought after.

Edibility: The judges are looking for an enticing and engaging photo that tempts people's sense of smell and taste, in other words, the photo must be a drool-worthy photo in visual context.

Aesthetics: The judges are looking for terrific composition, lighting, focusing, styling, clarity and color, and direct relevance to the theme.

Originality: The judges are looking for interesting image that catch their attention. A “WOW” image that we haven’t seen it before.

We will also be looking for an “Overall Winner” to whoever gets the most highest points in all combined categories.

HOST PICK is another bonus! :)

Photos that are coming in will be accessible for viewing in the "The Beauty of Red and White" gallery which will be updated daily. Click the image below for viewing.

slfimagegal copy

Let us enliven this event by sending us your best “The Beauty of Red and White” photo!

SLF Administrators

Host entry:

elsye -2

ema r&w 2

red and white by ira
