Wednesday, 11 March 2009

yummy homemade ice cream

Sudah lama aku ga mengupdate blog yg ini.., kemarin2 rasanya selalu kekurangan waktu untuk sesaat...:), semoga di bulan ini semangat untuk menulis dan segala nya akan kembali datang dan terus ada....

Postingan awal ini aku ingin bercerita ttg kegilaan kami dengan ice cream..ya segala macam ice cream pasti akan selalu ada dlm setiap minggunya...apalagi disaat sedang berjalan2 baik di mall..or di tempat akan pernah terlewatkan dessert yg satu ini..., termasuk anakku darrell yg tadinya ga suka krn dingin...hmm...skrg jangan ditanya..dimana ada haagen dasz atau baskin robbins..dia pasti minta dibelikan..tapi favoritenya cuma 1 rasa coklat..:)

Suatu saat aku menemukan ice cream maker.., tanpa berpikir panjang langsung deh dibeli sesampainya dirumah mempersiapkan bahan2 dan langsung membuat...percobaan demi percobaan aku lakukan...

Setelah beberapa kali bereksperimen dengan resep dr buku2 yg aku punya...ternyata based untuk segala macam ice cream yg berbasis susu adalah vanilla ice cream..

Dengan 1 resep itu..kita bisa membuat berbagai macam variasi baik coklat, strawberry...durian..dilengkapi juga dengan taburan buah2an kering atau coklat serut dll....

Pokoknya kapanpun ingin makan ice cream.., aku bisa dengan cepat menyajikan untuk keluargaku...:)

Salah satu resep yg aku pakai disini adalah resep dr Goodfood magazine edisi agustus 2008.

ini dia resepnya :

Classic Vanilla Ice creamby Barney Desmazery's from GoodFood Magazine august 2008 edition.

Makes about 500g ice cream


1 plump vanilla pod/ 2tsp vanilla pasta
300 ml full fat milk
300 ml double cream
100 g golden caster sugar
4 egg yolks

Directions :
1. Place container in the freezer. Split the vanilla pod lenghtways, scrap the seeds out with the oint of knife and tip into a pan with the milk, cream an pod. Bring to the boil, then remove from the heat and leave to infuse for at least 20 mins. For the best flavour, this can be done a few hours beforehand and left to go cold.

2. In large bowl, whisk the sugar and egg yolks together for a few mins until they turn pale and fluffy. Put the vanilla cream back on the heat until it's just about to boil, then carefully sieve the liquid onto the yolks, beating with the whisk until completely mixed.

3. At this point, get a large bowl of iced water and sit a smaller bowl in it. Pour the custard back into the pan and cook on teh lowest heat, stirring slowly and cpntinuously, making sure the spoon touches the bottom of the pan, for about 10 mins until tickened. Strain the custard into the bowl sitting in the iced water and leave to cool, then churn until scoopable ;

If with machine, whichever machine you use, once set up you simply pour in teh cooled custard and churn the custard until it's frozen, then transfer it to a chilled container.

If By Hand, Put you cooled mix in metal bowl in the freezere and when it becomes slushy, whisk it hard. Place back in the freezer and repeat the process two more times, then leave to freeze until scoopable. finally transfer to a smaller container, adding chunks or ripples if you want.

blueberry ice cream
Strawberry n blueberry icecream

durian n raisin
Durian ice cream and Chocolate raisin ice cream

one scoop raisin ice cream
one scoop chocolate raisin ice cream


  1. Beautiful photography!

    Congratulations on the award!

  2. Dapur Bia -----> sluurppss..seger mbak..:)

    Marija--------> thankyou very much..:)

  3. mau donk resep es krimnya...

    thanks, mama ferlyn

  4. mba ema....mau donk resep es krimnya...
    ternyata ada blog nya yaaa...hihihi, langsung deh nge klik...

    makasih yaaa...

  5. hai mbak,salam kenal...
    asyik banget tuch mbak ngeliat foto ice creamnya.
    pengen dech cobain bikin sendiri.
    boleh berbagi resepnya ,mbak?
    thank u, (

  6. mbak.. aku udah coba resepnya... creamy banget.. :)
    tapi kok berasa kuning telor bgt ya?
    aku bikin 2x adonan, jd kuning telurnya 8.
    apa emang gitu ya rasanya? atau salah dimana?

    thx bgt yaa udh share resepnya..


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