Saturday 25 October 2008

( Cooking ) Spaghetti with meat sauce

My child really liked to eat pasta with white sauce or with meat sauce.. This time I made spaghetti sauce for him with the combination of the cheese mixture, because he really liked cheese.This recipe from the Pasta Perfection book by Linda Fraser. But I have replaced many ingredients from the recipe in accordance with my child appetite.


Ingredients :

2 tbsp butter
4 tbsp olive oil
1 onion,finely chopped
2 tbsp finely chopped pancetta ( I used 2 tbsp chopped smoked chicken )
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
350 gr lean minced beef
400 ml milk
1 big tomato, chopped
1 tbsp tomatoes puree’
1 tsp dried bay leaf
1 tsp dried parsley
Salt and black pepper
150 gr cheddar cheese shredder
Cooked pasta, to serve


Direction :

Heat the butter and oil in heavy-based saucepan.

Add the onion and garlic, cook cover a moderate heat for 3-4 minutes. Add the smoked chicken, stir in the bay leaf and parsley. Cook for a further 3-4 minutes.

Add the beef, and crumble it into the vegetables, Stir until the meat loses its red colour. Season to taste.
Add the milk and cook until it has evaporated.

Stir in the tomato, and puree, with the salt and pepper. Bring the sauce to boil.
Add the cheddar cheese, stir until dissolved.

Reduce the heat to low simmer, uncovered for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Correct the seasoning before serving on a bed of pasta.


Darrell really enjoyed his food....:)

darrell belepotan abis maem


  1. Ma, jagoan lo udah gede yah. dah lama gw gk liat fotonya (maklum keknya beneran total pensiun nih dr mp).
    btw, itu tulisan watermark lo di garpu gw pikir asli - keren Ma olahannya.

    btw, soal watermark gw jadi binun sendiri di indo banyak nyolongin foto jadi gw tulis ditengah2 tapi jadi ngerusak foto juga. weleh... mumet. (sorry kepanjangan)

  2. Hmm enak nih. Darrel selera makannya sama kayak Dhira... spaghetti lover:)
    Watermark yang di garpu cantik banget

  3. setuju sama Dwi, tulisan watermark di garpunya keren banget..

    aku juga mau dong dikasih spaghetti, makan bareng sama Darrel :D

  4. dwi..., kangen deh ma elo..hahaha.., iya darrell dah gede sekarang dah banyak gaya nya..., nathan jg kan..??

    soal WM iya bikin bingung mknya aku jg suka gonta ganti gaya dah..:)
    dirimu emang dah lama ga muncul di MP..:)

    vivi : ayo kapan2 anak2 maem sama2 seru kali corniche yukkss...

    sefa : itu sdg iseng aja fa mainin WM.., btw kata darrell hayo maem spaghetti bareng tante sefa sapa takuut hehehe


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